Shipping & Returns Policy


Order will be quickly processed and safely delivered through the United States Postal Service. We can ship products anywhere in the United States using the shipping method of your choice.

When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment’s destination.

Our shipping charges are determined by the total dollar amount and weight of your order, excluding applicable sales tax.

Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations due to COVID-19 and Parcel restrictions, so please e-mail if you would like to request international ordering options.
PLEASE ALLOW 2-3 weeks for you item(s) to be made, process and shipped to you.
Approximate Shipping Times for Print (Excludes Handmade Items and Does not Reflect a postal Holiday Schedule)
  • USPS Parcel Post Shipping: 3-5 days anywhere in US
  • USPS Priority Shipping: 2-3 days anywhere in US
  • USPS Express Shipping: Guaranteed next day by noon anywhere in US

*Please keep in mind that these times only reflect from when we ship out your order, we do not always ship out same or next business day.

Returns Policy 

At this time returns/exchanges are not accepted. Open to conditional returns/exchanges, please complete the Contact form for further review.